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Monday, July 9, 2012

Pastor Bruce's July 2012 Message

Dear Friends,

Recently a read a quote from the English Statesman James Bright and he said, “You should link yourself to a great cause; you may never do the cause much good, but the cause will do you a great deal of good.” (The Shepherd’s Covenant, H.B. London page 108).

The Ground Breaking Service on June 10 was a great day in the life of the Liberty Street Church of God and also for the Kingdom of God. I am reminded that this task is bigger than all of us, but it is what God will do through us, together, that is the witness to those around us. The quote I shared with you made me think that for many of us, this is a once in a life time event. We are a part of a task that God called us to that will make a difference for years to come. That’s why this quote by James Bright is relevant. We are linking ourselves to a great cause and God will use it to change our lives in the process. Jesus said, “…..whoever wants to become great among you must be your servant, {27} and whoever wants to be first must be your slave-- {28} just as the Son of Man did not come to be served, but to serve, and to give his life as a ransom for many." (Mat 20:26-28 NIV) Jesus was responding to a question He was asked by the Mother of Zebedee’s sons, James and john. "…..Grant that one of these two sons of mine may sit at your right and the other at your left in your kingdom." (Mat 20:21 NIV) 

Jesus responded by teaching a lesson on servant hood and that is what He expects from those who call themselves Christians. That’s why as we sacrifice to build the Trinity Point Church of God with our time, talent, labor, financial giving and whatever else it is that God asks of us, we need to approach it with a servant’s heart. We are being challenged probably like never before. But the Scripture says, “…..he who began a good work in you will carry it on to completion until the day of Christ Jesus.” (Phil 1:6 NIV) 

I’m reminded or how our sister Church in Brookville encouraged us with these words: 
            “It is with a sense of joy that I look on as you break ground for your new facility. The elders of our church met today and we made it and will continue to make it a matter of prayer to support you.

            While it is a physical plant you are beginning it is first and foremost a spiritual statement to the enemy’s camp that a line in the sand has been drawn, and you are taking a stand against his advance. This is a great spiritual moment, as when Joshua rose up to lead the people of Israel and said, "as for me and my house We Will Serve the Lord", Sunday June 10th is a day of victory in our risen Lord, as you declare over Clarion, "the Lord Reigns" Blessings Trinity Point Church of God

                                    The Elders Brookville Church of God & Pastor Henry Scoff

Finally, I received an email recently from a good friend of mine that reminded me and others about his salvation experience these are his words;

            “It was 40 years ago today, June 22nd 1972 at age 29, when I crossed the flooded            Susquehanna River Bridge. I had left Pittsburgh three days earlier on my way to New York City, NY on business. At our front door I turned to Geri and said that I didn't want to be married and upon my return we would be divorced. Now I found myself in horrific flood conditions in the Harrisburg area.
            As I approached the bridge I could see water, lots of it, nearing the top of the bridge, The             span was 1.2 miles wide. I hesitated to go out on the bridge, but did. When I looked at the ominous waters, a whole tree, roots covered with earth was headed roots first and I thought, "If that tree hits one of the pillars of this bridge, this bridge could collapse".  It  was then the LORD spoke to me and said, "If this bridge collapses, you're going straight   to hell". I knew this to be true.
            By the grace of God I made it over the bridge. Along the way, on the Turnpike, the voice             spoke again, "Stop and see Andy". I hadn't seen Andy in 10 years. But I pulled off at the Irwin exit, made a cold call only to find that Andy was in.
            There in his office he spoke to me of Christ. How Jesus had changed his and his wife's      life. Andy, being led of the Holy Spirit, introduced me to Jesus, the Christ. I was born again, regenerated by the power of the Holy Ghost, never to be the same man.
            When I got home, Geri was expecting an unhappy husband and father of three to leave and file for divorce. Instead she met a different person.......a happy person and in love with his wife and three children.
            Ten days later Geri surrendered her life to Jesus. She forgave me of my terrible behavior   and wrongdoing. God saved me, my wife and three children. He gave us two more children. What a blessing!
            Never in my life of 29 years, at the time, did I imagine the great and wonderful things God had in store for us. It has been a wonderful journey, filled with the Living God leading the way.
            As a thirteen year old altar boy, riding a school bus, I saw a hand painted sign every day   from 7th grade to a senior in high school. It read, Jesus said, “Except a man be born again, he cannot enter Heaven". Had someone on that school bus tapped me on the shoulder and said, "Son, you will be born again one day, changed into the divine image of  God and live your life for Christ".....I would have no doubt replied, "What? What are you talking about? I can't imagine that".
            But here it is, 40 years later and imagination has become reality. There is nothing too difficult for the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. I am eternally grateful.” (Ken Faulk)
I know that all of those who are saved have a great testimony, and that is what we want to see and hear more of, people coming to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. I hope that these words from Scripture and from others are an inspiration for all of us to keep laboring on and having a servant’s heart!
God bless you,
Pastor Bruce 

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