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Thursday, May 1, 2014

Prayer Concerns - May 2014

Most Recent Concerns

5/29 - Shirley Reitz - is having personal & car issues
5/28 - Bert - (friend of Clyde & Trish's) - she is from Kentucky & is having test done this week & requests our prayers
5/27 - Sharlene Wingard is having surgery tomorrow to repair her defibrillator wire in her heart - not sure the time
 5/27 - Connie Minich is having her surgery tomorrow also
5/27 - 5/27 - Kelsey Martin's foot surgery went well - continue to pray for her healing
5/27 - Connie Minich's surgery has been postponed - hopefully soon to be rescheduled
5/27 - Caleb Wilson broke his arm - he'll be in a cast for 6-8 weeks - he is in need of prayer as well as his mom & dad  
5/27 - Sharlene Wingard is in the UPMC Presby in Pittsburgh. - prayers for Sharlene would be appreciated
5/25 - Continue to remember Mary Reed - she broke her wrist over the weekend
5/25 - Don Barger has been approached by his heart doctors about being involved in clinical trials for his heart - he & Alesia are asking us to be praying for them to make a decision ASAP so the doctors can get started - they need to let the doctors know this coming week
5/24 - Janet Young is home from the hospital
5/24 - Mary Reed fell yesterday/broke her wrist - had surgery this morning & is supposed to go home today
5/24 - Mayme Wilson (Pastor Bruces's Mother) - had surgery yesterday for her broken hip - surgery went well & she started rehab today - she has a long road to hoe
5/24 - Dave Martin came home - is recovering from back surgery
5/24 -  be praying also for Duwayne & Thelma Miller
5/23 -  Mayme Wilson (Pastor Bruce's mom) - fell & broke her hip - they are doing surgery today - pray for Pastor Bruce also as he is traveling to Connellsville to be w/his mother
5/22 - Connie Minich will be having surgery outpatient on Tuesday @ Clarion Hospital 5/16 - Janet Young - in Clarion Hospital for the last few days - please be praying for her
5/16 - Hannah Bendal of Lucinda - single, 26 year old mom who has been in ICU in Pittsburgh for almost 8 weeks - she has encephalitis/has not been responsive - her little boy is only 15 months old & has not see her since she went to the hospital - while in the hospital, she started having seizures which were caused by cysts on her ovaries, & they had to remove both ovaries -  she is still in ICU, but they hope to transfer her to another floor soon - she just recently opened her eyes for the first time since being admitted, but is still not able to talk - pray for complete healing for her & also for her parents who are caring for her little boy & trying to balance everything
5/14 - Lisa Buchwitz's nephew Brian  - the one who was just married - one of his good friends died in a car accident last night - he called Dale to pray for him - please pray that Dale & I can reach him & his new wife & lead them to Jesus Christ
5/13 - Bowser Family - are having serious family issues and Brandon needs a lot of prayer
5/13 - Dione Smart (Lynn Manville's cousin) - her husband unexpectedly passed away this past Mother's Day - Dione, also, has a lot of physical issues & some are complicated by stress, i.e., Fibromalisia, Lupus, & 2 others
5/8 - Isaac Dotterer 2 years old - (one of Lisa Buchwitz's Day Care Children) - is on his way to the hospital for blood work, he may have Lime's disease - please keep him and his family in your prayers
5/7 - prayer request from Dianne Dunlap for her nephew Dale Dunlap Jr. - he has always had trouble with his ears & has had 3 sets of tubes inserted over the years - this past weekend another ear infection developed & went crazy - he had emergency surgery at Children’s Hospital that involved a mastoidectomy & was started on blood thinners for a blood clot that has developed behind his ear - he will be in the hospital for a while & will be on blood thinners for several months which will limit the activities of a very active growing boy - please keep him in your prayers that they will be able to identify the bacteria that has caused the infection in his mastoid bone so they are better able to zero in on it - right now they are using wide spectrum antibiotics because it has not been identified
5/6 - prayer for baby Kessa Edmonds - they are admitting her back to Childrens Hospital - it is the same thing again -  prayers needed for Tiffiny & Jason too
5/6 - request from Lisa Buchwitz - prayers for her niece and family who will be traveling around the States - they are missionaries in Russia who work with Orphan Graduates - they will be with us on Memorial Day weekend  5/5 - Baby Kessa Edmonds is home from the hospital.  Thank you for your prayers.  We will keep you updated on her progress 
5/1 -  Pastor will be out of the Office on Friday, May 2nd.   If you need to reach him - call Tammy (814) 221-9870.  (Pastor & Judy will be away at Karla's (their daughter in law) white-coat ceremony)
5/1 - Baby Karson Ochs is in Pittsburg again with a viral infection below the main bronchial tube - please pray for that entire family


Prayer Concerns
 Burden for the Lost - Our Government & Leaders (local, state, national) -  Donna Oberlander (State Rep) - President of the U.S.    Spiritual Growth for our church family  - The Unsaved - Pastor Bruce & Family - Our Community - Other Churches in our Community - Our Military - Our College Students - Unspoken - Construction workers & Delta Contractors @ Trinity Point - Building the Trinity Point Facility
Terry Aites (waiting for kidney transplant) - Arianna Evans - Phyllis Traister - DuWayne & Thelma Miller - Jon Fye (Dawn Christie's brother) - Melissa McCloskey (cancer) - Kessa Edmonds -Jack Hiles - Dave & Debbie Jordan - Mary Reed - Clarence & Shirley Evans - Janet Young - Jessica Henry (MS & Chemo treatments) -  Jim Kelly - Judy Schwab - Don Barger - Mike Roach (cancer Pastor & Judy's brother-in-law) - Jim Pangallo - Sharlene Wingard - Pat Radaker (fell) - Matt & Jaci Hutchcraft Vonnie Tiley - Lisa & Dale Buchwitz (adoption process)Jennifer Morgan (pregnancy) - Tom Buzard (cancer/Park Hill Congregation) - Dale Dunlap, Jr. (Dianne's newphew) - Jean Johns - Leonel (Dominican) Village 51 (Dominican) - Persecuted Christians - Janis Cicero (eye surgery/recovery) - Dave Martin (surgery 5/22) - Kelsey Martin (surgery 5/27) Leah Hollinger (asthma)

Nancy Yates - Bill & Lois Brandenstein - Ray & Marian Peltcs

Missions and Outreach
Whitehall Camp & Conference Center  - AAA Life Services - WPA Ministries of the COG - COG Ministries Anderson, IND - Food For Friends - Koinonia (CUP campus) - Alyssa Cooper Sande (Africa) - Jessica Wilson (Dominican Republic) - Clarion Ministerium - Rebecca New-Edson (WPA COG Ministries Dir.) - Rev. Jim Lyon (Gen. Director Elect)

Nursing/Personal Care Home/Rehab Patients
Nila Minich (Gene Minich’s Mom) – Clarview, Sligo
Pearl Manross - Golden Living Shippenville
Edna Burford - Golden Living Shippenville
Sue Foust - Laurel Brook Brookville
Alice Ferguson - Laurel Brook Brookville

Ministries & Leaders of Our Congregation
Children & Youth Ministries - Our Boards & Committees - Sunday School - Sunday Worship Services - Pastor Bruce & Gamily - Church Staff - Women's Ministries

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