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Monday, March 30, 2015

Pastor Angela's Message - April 2015

It all Begins in the Garden

Several times in the last week alone have been drawn back into the garden.  Each time, for differing reasons and yet very similar reasons to return and learn.

The Garden I am referring to is the PERFECT Garden God     prepared for Adam and Eve to live, the Garden of Eden.  We learn about the garden when we read in Genesis 2.  In Genesis 2 we learn that God planted the garden and placed the man He formed, Adam in the garden.  God caused every tree that was pleasing to sight and good for food to grow out of the ground.  God also planted the tree of life and the tree of knowledge of good and evil in the middle of the garden.   God formed a river in the garden to water the trees and plants within the garden. 

The Garden was created to be a place of peace, a place to rest in the Lord.  There was no shame or guilt.  There was no separation from God.   He walked with them in the garden.  The Garden was created for God’s people.  It was for them to find Him and his presence. 

As soon as Adam and Eve sinned, eating from the only tree/plant they were told not to eat from they were filled with shame.  They had to cover themselves from the sin they had committed.  In Genesis 3 we are told, “God was walking in the garden in the cool of the day”.  Because Adam and Eve chose to disobey (sin) they hid themselves from Him.  They were overcome with shame and guilt.  Adam and Eve were no longer privileged to walk in peace and free from shame and guilt.  This one dreadful choice caused a chasm between us and God.  Causing us to no longer enjoy the peace of the Garden, walking freely with no cares or concerns.

However, Jesus came.  Jesus walked on the face of this cruddy earth.  He lived and He died in order to bring us back to the peaceful, restful Garden.  Jesus’ life, death and resurrection brought us back to a place of direct contact with God, His life bridged us back across that chasm of separation.  Through     Jesus, we can commune with God.  We can rest in His presence.  We are able to be free from our sins and walk in the Garden free from the shame and guilt of our sins.  The choice is up to us. 

Do you want to walk freely in the presence of God Almighty?  Do you want to be free from shame and guilt?  Do you want peace in this chaotic world?  The choice is up to you.  You can find peace and freedom today.  You can walk in the Garden with Christ.  He wants you to walk in the Garden with Him.  God longs for us to choose Him above the chaos and noise that surrounds us.  God wants us to find peace in this chaotic world. 

Take time today to walk in His presence.  Take time away from the demands of your life to be still in the presence of God.  In Psalm 46:10 we are told to “be still and know that I am God.”  Jesus showed us how important it is to quiet ourselves before our Lord and Savior.  He himself went to the Garden of life.  He quietly went before the Lord.  It is time for us to go to the Garden God has carefully crafted for us and our well-being.  Take time today to quiet yourself, remove yourself from the hustle and bustle that our world says you need to be a part of and go to the place God created for you.  It is not a sin to stop and get out of the chaos of life.  It is more likely a sin not to.  God created you for His glory to glorify Him.  It’s nearly impossible to glorify Him if my mind is consumed by the life I am living in and not        consumed by Him and His word.

Pastor Angela

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